Glenn Greenwald: Why privacy matters | Talk Video |

Good people like you and me need privacy to think in a more creative way. Systems of mass surveillance suppress freedoms. If you don’t care about freedom, send him all your accounts and passwords for him to read 😉

Advierten sobre los alcances y problemas del proyecto de Ley Argentina Digital « Fundación Vía Libre

Proyecto de ley “Argentina Digital” destruye garantías constitucionales. Necesitamos una ley que proteja a ciudadanos y estimule la innovación. Esta ley hace exactamente todo lo contrario.

The Battle for Net Neutrality

Information should flow freely. Internet flourished and isn’t broken, please avoid trying to fix it. If Internet providers discriminate between big companies traffic and the rest of us, the information flow will be favored for those who have bigger wallets. Freedom of speech, independent news and publications will be set aside in a 2nd grade, slower Internet connection.

“The Letter” Is Still The Best Story To Explain Why Copyright Monopoly Must Be Reduced | TorrentFreak

How enterprises will fund themselves in the digital era is a red herring fallacy when we talk about the way citizens loose their civil rights and freedom.