Crearían un banco genético de todos los bonaerenses – 15.09.2015 –

Welcome to Gattaca. Government harvests information to use it against the citizenship.
“Those who would give up Essential Liberty
to purchase a little Temporary Safety,
deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.” Thomas Jefferson

Detectó fallas en el sistema de boleta electrónica y allanaron su casa –

When a programmer discovers and discloses a security flaw which can change the results of the next elections, instead of being rewarded and praised, he is prosecuted.

A diez días de los comicios porteños, descubren filtraciones de seguridad en el sistema de voto electrónico – Télam – Agencia Nacional de Noticias

Electronic vote is weaker than the conventional previous implementations. Electronic vote weakens democracy as a whole.

Telegram, AKA “Stand back, we have Math PhDs!” – Unhandled expression

Telegram might not be the best private messaging tool around. OTR (Off the Record) free software implementations (like may rise over those security holes Telegram leave unattended.